Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Where it all began.....

Broken hearts will lead you to a lot of places. For me, it all started when I created a profile on Match.com. It was September, 2002. I received an email within 24 hours of creating the profile. Walt (name changed to protect the innocent-though I don't know if he was all that innocent) was a fantastic looking and absolutely hilarious personal trainer. He made me laugh from his very first email, and I could tell right away that he had a very similar sense of humor. We met for the first time on a Monday night. I was totally not prepared for how well it was going to go. He pretty much swept me off my feet. Anyway, we saw each other almost every day for the next few months. Then, after a week long trip to Disney World, he dropped me like a hot potato! The topper was that he sent me the pictures from the trip a couple weeks AFTER we broke up. Merry Christmas to ME! Forever he will be thought of by me as the man who ruined Disney World. I finally get a picture of Mickey & me, and BAM it has to include HIM!! Thank goodness for photo shop! To add insult to injury, this was also the first Thanksgiving I spent away from my family. I missed out on pumpkin pie and all my mom's tasty cooking. In any case I was scarred by the experience. I spent the next few months partying it up and trying to forget how sad I was. :-) Ahhh...the bittersweet...okay mostly bitter...memories of my first grown-up relationship. It was, however, with this relationship that I discovered how well I scored with parents, friends and family. IF only we lived in a land of arranged marriages...because it matters not what the rest of the world thinks...if he doesn't love you...you are SOL. :-)

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